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if u were me...what will u do??

發表於 : 2007-12-31, 13:26
first of all, i am soo sorry i can not type in chinese ..coz my computer things...i am in the U.S.A. by the way.

just like most of the girls who are here that have the same dream about flight attendent...i also have the big crush on CA since i was a little girl...i am thinkinging that should i go back to taiwan for the recruited of EVE CA2008?
for a dream? for a unrealistic dream to spend the money of flight ticket? to ask for leave my class works for almost one week ?

i just wanna know if u were me what would u choose? please just help me....it really confused me since i got to america...

thank you every one!!!!!!!!!

發表於 : 2007-12-31, 13:35
and..the worst part is about no body knows when the company will start to recruit..i even do not know when should i book the ticket...even i know the date of beginning of log in the data bank, i still can not for sure when they ganna arrange me to meet....i hope u know what i am saying....any way complicate...please let me know and help me about ur choice.....thanks a lot on ur help!!!!!!

發表於 : 2008-01-01, 02:33

If I were you, I won't go back to TW just for an ''unsure'' interview. Do you know the admission percentage to EVA AIR or some other airlines? I don't know, but the only thing I'm sure of is that the rate is not as high as you imagined. If you're convinced you are born an excellent flight attendant and you can make the interviewers think the same way, you surely come back for the interview. Otherwise, I don't think you should leave behind your job and waste your money for air fare(sure, if you intend to visit your parents, friends, you can come back whenever you want).

That's it. These is just MY viewpoint. It's still up to you to decide. Nobody can make a choice for you since this is your life.

Take care & happy new year 2008!

發表於 : 2008-01-01, 04:28
of course i know the proportion things about FA...that's one of the reason that confused me...
the question is...........will u for A DREAM to take all effots that u can?

anyway...still......i appreciate ur point of view.... thank you....


發表於 : 2008-01-01, 13:15

Yes, I have my dreams, too, but can I make them come true? This is another thing. But if I don't make any efforts, I definitely never achieve my goals.

Since you can make efforts, you should go for it, and don't regret it.

Good luck :D

發表於 : 2008-01-07, 11:56
Hi ksgirl,

Are you a resident of the US? Why not try to get hired by a local airline like UAL? As far as I know, they will be recruiting many F/As for almost all bases this year? Going back to TWN for an interview? It does take time and money, but most of all it is a very competitive job market in TWN as many girls and guys have the same dream like you. To be honest with you, it's the same wherever you go, so just treat it like a normal job interview and as part of your life experience.